"On the footprints of the famous European people".
Who am I – famous people
1.step: making a list of 30 famous people from your country (writer, scientist, artist, sportsman,……..)
2.step: -asking 100 people (at school, at home,….) “ Who is the most famous person in your partner’s country”
- make a list of these names
Each student would ask 10 people (family, relatives…)
“Do you know any famous Italian/Polish/Czech people? Name the most famous one for you.”
This part of the project should show us who is famous for foreign people.
3.step: exchanging these lists with your partner.
1.list of famous people made by students about their country famous people and 2.list made by students asking about their partners’ famous people.
4.step: in groups of 3 or 4 choosing one famous person from your partner’s list
5.step: each group will prepare presentation about chosen person
6.step: guessing your partner’s person by asking YES/NO questions on Forum of TwinSpace
7.step: creating cards about our famous people with the basic facts about them.
8.step: playing the Card game – “Who am I?”
9.step: exchanging presentation about chosen famous persons
10.step: writing a story and making a short sketch (video) about this famous person.
11.step: writing interviews with famous writers of our partners
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